Wednesday, November 9, 2011

No more stop watches: RunKeeper

Hey guys this week I wanted to share with you another great local company. I am sure that some of you are active runners and might have heard of this app if you use a smart phone. Runkeeper originally created there app for the Iphones and Android devices and they offered a free and pro version. The program tracks the runner location via GPS and allows you to even track heart rate through a blue tooth devise. Over the past year the company has been making some changes to the product and it seems that it future will bring in new customers. The company has partnered with new companies that they will be working with them to turn the app into a total health tracker.

With all of this new activity and potential for growth the company has attracted attention from investors and has just announced it will be receiving new funding. Sticking with the theme of Boston companies this one is located in South Boston. The company is looking for new offices to expand and I sure they will be hiring soon. So if you are looking to work for a young and very active company you might want to check them out. Also watch the app review above and make sure you go check out their site here.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Say goodbye to mailing documents: OfficeDrop

Hey guys my apologies for not getting a post up last week, I was having some computer problems. But any ways I think you guys are going to really like the company this week. You might not have hear of this company unless you work in a office that has to scan a lot of documents, however you should be very interested. OfficeDrop which is a company that is based out of Cambridge MA has a solution for companies that need to scan and send documents. The company offers a cloud service that allows companies to scan documents and share them on a organized cloud from just about anywhere. The software that they use allows you to scan a document and tun it into a searchable word document that can be share to just about any devise.

The reason I am share this company with you guys is because it is becoming very popular. The company was founded in 2007 and has been growing ever since. However the company recently announced that they have an expected 9x growth in revenue this year. They have done this by shifting away from the conventional way of sharing documents, they used to have companies mail in document and then they would be available to share. However since the new use of there web-portal and mobile app the company is seeing record growth. Why should this interest you as a college student? Because just like any growing company this means they will be expanding and hiring new people...see my point. Anyways go check out there site above and keep your eye on them in the next few months because I am sure they will be creating new positions.