Thursday, September 15, 2011


Hi I am Clay Nicolau and I am studying business administration at Plymouth State University. I grew up in New York and the South Shore, I love sport and technology, and when I am not at school or working I on my boat in the summer and skiing in the winter. I am a full time student and work part time from home as a product manager for a company out of Boston. I also have always loved web & graphic design and have been doing contracting work for small companies for the past few years. This has giving me some great experiences with the web sites, social media, marketing and business.

I am creating this blog for my social media marketing class, and since I am in my senior year and I am trying to explore different markets and companies that I might like to work in. I have a strong interest in technology, online, and high-tech industries. So I will be using this blog to share my findings in emerging technologies and industries as well as giving many different thoughts and views on these markets. This information will be from a wide verity sources and some of my experiences. I hope that you will enjoy reading my posts and will come back for more!

Feel free to check out my personal website
or add me on Facebook or LinkedIn

1 comment:

  1. Nice website Clay! This blog will be a great addition to your portfolio. I'm looking forward to read your future postings.
