Sunday, October 9, 2011

Boston Marketing Convention: FutureM

This week I would like to introduce to you guys this great marketing convention that I recently found out about. I am from the south shore and I am sure that many of you are live somewhere in New England or will be looking for jobs near Boston. FutureM would be a great event to participate in if you are looking to get into marketing or product management. This event was held a few weeks ago and attracts a very diverse and inspirational audience. The event last about a week and includes tons of scheduled events including, guest speakers, workshops, networking meals, and much more.
            The main purpose of this event is to inspire the people who work in the Boston area to continue to do the amazing work they do. They do this by bringing in some great companies from the area and having them work with people, and speak during the events. Many of these companies are on the very cutting edge of marketing and use social media as a major part of their marketing strategy. Many of these companies are hiring and this event would be a great place for anyone who is interested in finding a job in marketing or working in Boston.

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