Thursday, October 20, 2011

The New Way to Share Files: Dropbox

Hey guys this week I wanted to share with you the company Dropbox. Dropbox is a company that I heard about last year, at the time it seemed like it was still young but picking up speed. The company offers a solution for sharing files between computers and smart phones via a cloud. They do this by placing a folder on all of your machines and when you drop things into the folder it is uploaded to their online severs. This is great because not only does it mean that all of you files are synced between all devices, but it is also backed up. In case you drop or break one of your devises, which I am sure many of you have before. If you have not had the very unfortunate experience of loosing all of your files it might be hard to see the value in having everything backed up. This video below does a great job of explaining what they do in simple terms.

But back to the reason I am sharing this with you guys. They recently have received over 250 million in founding and I am sure this money means that this company is about to expand in a big way. The idea and business plan is great, however the current storage options and pricing are not that great. Im sure with this money we will see new jobs opening up as well as improvements in the service?! Hopefully anyways. The company is based out of San Francisco but if you like technology and would love to work with a young company with some amazing benefits this might be a good place to check out. Make sure you guys check out their website here.

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