Sunday, October 16, 2011

Linkable Networks: Clovr Media

          Hey guys this week I wanted to share with you another great company that is right down the road in Boston. Clovr Media has come up with a very useful new way of redeeming offers. The company has created a great solution to old types of offers such as (mail-in rebates, flashing loyalty cards, check-ins, tricky gimmicks, coupons, entering codes online...) The company has created a platform that links any ad(banner, text, video, moblile, and even print thanks to next-gen barecodes) directly to your bank account. All you have to do is click or scan any ad that has the "Linkable Network" logo on it, and after you purchase, Clovr gives you the savings. 

This technolegy has recently grabbed a lot of attention from many large venture capital firm, such as CityGroup. City and many others have began funding this company and it seems as though its future is looking good. The reason I wanted to share this with you guys because not only is this a great new idea but they are also Hiring! They are located in Boston and would be a great place to look at if you are interested in working for a young company. Go check out their site

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